Happy Laughter Day

Happy World Laughter Day

Today, First Sunday in May, is celebrated as Laughter day around the world. It first started in India, and now its being celebrated around the world.

If you are sad, mad or angry at something, I would say you celebrate World Laughter day, because you will surely love it.


Keep Smiling.



Laughter Day

Tags: Laughter Day, may, world Laughter day,

This Morning is Our History Test

This morning is our history test.
I’ve pinned my notes inside my vest.
Inside my coat I wrote my notes,
including dates and famous quotes.
I’ve written more upon my hand
that only I can understand,
and in my socks and sleeves I stowed
my scribbled notes in secret code.

I’ve written down so many names
of winners of Olympic games,
of buildings, people, places too,
from Tennessee to Timbuktu.
I even copied down a piece
on ancient Rome and ancient Greece,
plus everything from Shakespeare’s plays
to who invented mayonnaise.

I came to school so well prepared.
I wasn’t nervous, wasn’t scared.
But here it is, the history test.
I look inside my coat and vest
to get the dates and famous quotes
and find I cannot read my notes.
So much for Shakespeare, Greece and Rome.
I left my glasses back at home.

Tags: funny stuff, history, poem, test quizes,