Veterans Day Quotes 4

“If you love your freedom…thank a Vet.”

“Victory is not in what was gained alone but in what was lost in the millions”

Tags: Remembrance Day, Veterans Day,

Veterans Day Quotes 3

The most persistent sound which reverberates through men’s history is the beating of war drums.
~Arthur Koestler, Janus: A Summing Up

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.
~G.K. Chesterton

Tags: Remembrance Day, Veterans Day,

Veterans Day Quotes 2

But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for,
Is their monument to-day, and for aye.
Thomas Dunn English

Freedom is never free.
Author Unknown

Tags: Remembrance Day, Veterans Day,

Veterans Day Quotes 1

“Year after year we gather and shout commands in the Square,
Wait for the Governor-General, say a few words of prayer,
Lay our wreaths in order, mothers and big shots first,
In memory of those who have made it to the other side of the worst.”
– George Johnston, Canadian poet, Remembrance, 1966

Tags: Remembrance Day,