How to get the old Facebook back?

How to get the Old Facebook Back?

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Update: Dec 15, 2011
Once you have switched to New Timeline, there is no way you can go back to OLD Facebook.

Dec 07, 2010
Yes, there is a way to go back to old Facebook 🙂

Follow these Steps to get OLD FB Back:

    Log into your Facebook Account.
    Click on “Account” (Top Right), Click on “Account Settings”, and under “Deactivate Account” click “deactivate”.
    After your account has been deactivated.
    Log back in after 10 minutes, and you should have the old Facebook.
    So basically, deactivating it for at least 10 minutes can get you your Old facebook back

If it worked for you, change your FB status to help others
” Go back to OLD FACEBOOK – ”

Credit: Umar

Updated: Dec 06, 2010
If you have already upgraded your Facebook Profile to New profile, you may be out of luck. According to Facebook FAQs, you cannot return to the previous version. You have to take a tour of the new version, and stick with it. Please join our FB group to get your voice heard.

Updated: 2009

None of the ways work now, and there is no way to get the old Facebook back. Since the “new” has been removed from Facebook’s homepage and now new Facebook is the only Facebook.

Tags: Facebook, Old facebook,